Commuter Chaos: Reduce Employees’ Transport Woes With These Steps

Train Station

Getting to and from work is causing additional stress for commuters.

While many employees find themselves stressed at work during one point or another, recent research revealed that simply getting to and from work is now half the battle. Of those who take public transport or drive to work, 25 per cent reported feeling stressed as a result of their daily commute, while 18 per cent said their travels to work made them miserable. Not to mention, 10 per cent of those who feel this way reported being less productive at work as a result.

It is critical for you to take your employees’ work-related stress seriously, as untreated stress can result in increased sick days, decreased productivity and serious mental health complications such as depression or anxiety. Nearly 70 per cent of employees said they feel their employer could do more to decrease commuter stress.

Don’t let your workplace become a statistic. Use the following tips to encourage a more positive commuter experience and reduce travel stress:

  • Encourage flexible starting times to help workers avoid a high-traffic commute.
  • Offer workplace incentives that encourage cycling or walking to work.
  • Maintain proper changing facilities so that employees can comfortably walk or cycle rather than doing so in a uniform or professional attire.

For HSE guidance on reducing work-related stress, click here.

Need more specific advice?

Staff health and wellbeing is important for businesses of all sizes, and risk management plays a part in ensuring that working environments are safe and pleasant places to be.

If you need specific advice to help reduce work related stress and keep your working environment compliant with health and safety legislation, contact Bollington’s risk management team on 0161 929 1851 to see how we can help.