SMEs Missing Out On Average £16,000 Due To Late Payments

Printed Money

More than half of Britain’s SMEs were owed an estimated total of £44.6 billion in late payments by the end of 2016, according to recent industry research.

That averages out to roughly £16,000 per SME. However, 1 in 10 were owed more than £100,000.

This massive financial delay has been detrimental for affected SMEs, with 65 percent of them agreeing that late payments force them to shut down. In response, half of all small business owners want the
government to intervene and help SMEs overcome these circumstances.

However, your organisation may not be able to wait too long for the government to intervene. For that reason, here are six best practices for handling late payments:

1. Complete a credit check. Before you agree to conduct business with a client, you should run a credit check to see whether they may pose a risk.

2. Make your payment terms clear. Clearly outline your payment terms, which should include the specific amount due, the date the payment is due and the consequences of not paying on time.

3. Offer incentives for early payment. Consider offering a percentage discount on invoices that are settled before the due date.

4. Add interest to late payments. If clients do not pay you on time, add interest to what they owe. However, you should only add interest if it has been explained in your payment terms.

5. Remind clients of pending due dates. Be sure to contact your clients several months before their due date. If they ignore your notices, remind them if they do not pay on time, they will accrue interest.

6. Suggest an instalment plan. If your clients cannot pay what they owe in a lump sum, you may want to suggest an instalment plan.